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......................... Ashok kumar vemula

Selected Educational Statistics 2007-08 (As on 30.09.2007)

Posted by AshoK vemula Monday, December 28, 2009

  1. State wise Population 2001 Census
  2. State wise Literacy Rates 2001 Census
  3. District wise Total, SC and ST Population - 2001 census
  4. District wise Total, Rural and Urban Population - 2001 Census
  5. District wise population (1991 and 2001 census)
  6. District wise Literacy Rates 2001 census
  7. District wise Hindus, Muslims and Christians Population - 2001 census
  8. All Age group (6-10, 11-12 and 13-15) yrs population 2007-08
  9. Sc Age group (6-10, 11-12 and 13-15) yrs population 2007-08
  10. ST Age group (6-10, 11-12 and 13-15) yrs population 2007-08

  1. Type wise and Management wise Institutions
  2. Type wise and Management wise Enrollment
  3. Type wise and Management wise Teachers
  4. Type wise and Management wise Vidya Volunteers
  5. Class wise All And BC Enrollment
  6. Class wise SC and ST Enrollment
  7. Class wise Muslim Enrollment

Management wise Schools (2007-08)

  1. Primary Schools
  2. Upper Primary schools
  3. High schools
  4. Higher Secondary schools
  5. Total Schools

Management wise Enrollment 2007-08 (All Management)

  1. Primary Schools
  2. Upper Primary Schools
  3. High Schools
  4. Higher Secondary schools
  5. Total schools

Management wise Teachers (2007-08)

  1. Primary Schools
  2. Upper Primary Schools
  3. High Schools
  4. Higher Secondary schools
  5. Total schools

Management wise Vidya volunteers in schools (2007-08)

  1. Primary Schools
  2. Upper Primary Schools
  3. High Schools
  4. Higher Secondary schools
  5. Total schools

Type wise Enrollment 2007-08 (All,BC,SC and ST )

  1. Primary Schools
  2. Upper Primary Schools
  3. High Schools
  4. Higher Secondary Schools
  5. All Types

Type wise Teachers (2007-08) (All, BC,SC,And ST)

  1. Primary Schools
  2. Upper Primary Schools
  3. High Schools
  4. Higher Secondary Schools
  5. All Types

Type wise Vidya Volunteers (2007-08) (All, BC,SC,And ST)

  1. Primary Schools
  2. Upper Primary Schools
  3. High Schools
  4. Higher Secondary Schools
  5. All Types

Class wise Enrollment (2007-08)

  1. All Class wise Enrollment (Classes 1 to 5)
  2. All Class wise Enrollment (Classes 6 to 12)
  3. All Stage wise Enrollment
  4. BC Class wise Enrollment (Classes 1 to 5)
  5. BC Class wise Enrollment (Classes 6 to 12)
  6. BC Stage wise Enrollment
  7. SC Class wise Enrollment (Classes 1 to 5)
  8. SC Class wise Enrollment (Classes 6 to 12)
  9. SC Stage wise Enrollment
  10. ST Class wise Enrollment (Classes 1 to 5)
  11. ST Class wise Enrollment (Classes 6 to 12)
  12. ST Stage wise Enrollment
  13. Muslims Class wise Enrollment (Classes 1 to 5)
  14. Muslims Class wise Enrollment (Classes 6 to 12)
  15. Muslims Stage wise Enrollment
  16. Disabled Class wise Enrollment (Classes 1 to 5)
  17. Disabled Class wise Enrollment (Classes 6 to 12)
  18. Disabled Stage wise Enrollment

Indicators (2007-08)

  1. Gross Enrollment Ration - All
  2. Gross Enrollment Ration - SC
  3. Gross Enrollment Ration - ST
  4. Flow Rates - NUEPA
  5. Stage wise Dropout Rates - All
  6. Stage wise Dropout Rates - SC
  7. Stage wise Dropout Rates - ST
  8. Elementary Dropout Rates (Classes 1 to 8)
  9. Data on Repetition
  10. Data on Completion Rates, Primary Graduates and Transition Rates
  11. Performance in SSC Examinations, March 2008 (Regular)
  12. Class VII Common Examination Results, April 2007.

Others schools (Maktabas, Madarsas, AIE, Centres, RBC's, NRBCs,NCLP) (2007-08)

  1. Primary Schools
  2. Upper Primary Schools
  3. High Schools
  4. Total Schools
  5. All, BC, SC, & ST Enrollment In Primary Schools
  6. All, BC, SC, & ST Enrollment In Upper Primary Schools
  7. All, BC, SC, & ST Enrollment In High Schools
  8. All, BC, SC, & ST Enrollment In Total Schools
  9. Class wise Enrollment (1st to 5th Classes)
  10. Class wise Enrollment (6th to 12th Classes)
  11. Stage wise Enrollment
  12. All, BC, SC, & ST Teachers In Primary Schools
  13. All, BC, SC, & ST Teachers In Upper Primary Schools
  14. All, BC, SC, & ST Teachers In High Schools
  15. All, BC, SC, & ST Teachers In Total Schools

Ten Years' Data

  1. Management wise Primary Schools (1994-95 to 2007-08)
  2. Management wise Upper Primary Schools (1994-95 to 2007-08)
  3. Management wise High Schools (1994-95 to 2007-08)
  4. Management wise Higher Secondary Schools (1994-95 to 2007-08)
  5. Type wise Schools (1994-95 to 2007-08)
  6. All Type wise Enrollment (1994-95 to 2007-08)
  7. All Medium wise Enrollment (1994-95 to 2007-08)
  8. All Boys' Class wise Enrollment (1994-95 to 2007-08)
  9. All Girls' Class wise Enrollment (1994-95 to 2007-08)
  10. All Class wise Enrollment (1994-95 to 2007-08)
  11. All Stage wise Enrollment (1994-95 to 2007-08)
  12. All Type wise Teachers (1994-95 to 2007-08)
  13. All Gross Enrollment Ratio (1994-95 to 2007-08)
  14. All Dropout Rates (1994-95 to 2007-08)
  15. SSC Examination Results - Regular (March, 1997 to March 2008)
  16. Class - VII Examination Results - Regular  (March, 1997 to March 2008)

* Information Courtesy from http://ssa.ap.nic.in


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